The Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (ITP) Certificate program teaches students how to use technology in their research and teaching. ITP provides intellectual insights and technical training to prepare students for employment in the academy and beyond by advancing their skills as critical and creative makers and users of technology.

The nine-credit, three-course sequence offers an interdisciplinary environment to gain theoretical, historical, philosophical, literary, and sociological knowledge on technology and pedagogy, and explore the implications of their intersection in the classroom, academic research and scholarly publication. Students learn praxis-oriented methodologies for digital research and pedagogy, and complete capstone projects under the mentorship of one of our doctoral faculty members, drawn from across the disciplines.

ITP offers a gateway for students to other enrichment positions at the Graduate Center, from the Teaching and Learning Center to the New Media Lab, from the Digital Fellows to the Instructional Technology Fellows programs, and more. Our students have won intramural and extramural grants for their research, and their skills and knowledge are in demand on the job market.

This site provides information for and about students and alumni, including examples of student work. Please visit for information about the curriculum and mission of the certificate program, the program’s faculty, as well as examples of syllabi. The certificate program is interim coordinated by Michael Mandiberg [email protected].